

Online Registration - 20 October 2023

Early Bird Registration - 1 October 2023

Abstract Submission - 10 October 2023


Nov. 15, 2023Wednesday


Phosphorus Catalysts and Ligands in Organic Syntheses@Phosphorus Catalysts and Ligands in Organic Syntheses

2023-11-15 08:30 ~ 11:35

ZOOM Conference Enter meeting room

Timetable V7 Updated:2023-11-11 00:33:09

Start End Duration ID Title
Session Host: Bingfeng Shi
08:30 08:55 25 136
Invited lecture
08:55 09:20 25 137
Sadphos in Asymmetric Palladium Catalysis
Junliang Zhang/Fudan University
Invited lecture
09:20 09:45 25 138
Diarylphosphine Oxide-Involved Radical Reactions
Xiaolan Chen/Zhengzhou University
Invited lecture
09:45 10:00 15 4
Oral Presentation
10:00 10:15 15 Coffee Break
Session Host: Liuzhu Gong
10:15 10:40 25 139
10:40 11:05 25 140
Cu/Chiral Anionic Ligand-Catalyzed Enantioselective Radical Reactions
Xinyuan Liu/Southern University of Science and Technology
Invited lecture
11:05 11:20 15 42
11:20 11:35 15 141

ICPC 24 Organizing Committee

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